News & Analysis
News & Analysis

Inner Circle Video: 4 ways to potentially increase your average profit in winning trades

9 January 2020 By Mike Smith


Here if the recording of this week’s Inner Circle session to review if you managed to attend or see for the first time if you were not able to make the session live. The principles covered are applicable across all trading vehicles.

(click on the icon in the corner for full screen)




Please feel free to follow up with any queries you have by dropping an email to


Mike Smith

Educator and course facilitator

GO Markets



The article from GO Markets analysts is based on their independent analysis. Views expressed are of their own and of a ‘general’ nature. Advice (if any) are not based on the reader’s personal objectives, financial situation or needs. Readers should, therefore, consider how appropriate the advice (if any) is to their objectives, financial situation and needs, before acting on the advice.



The information provided is of general nature only and does not take into account your personal objectives, financial situations or needs. Before acting on any information provided, you should consider whether the information is suitable for you and your personal circumstances and if necessary, seek appropriate professional advice. All opinions, conclusions, forecasts or recommendations are reasonably held at the time of compilation but are subject to change without notice. Past performance is not an indication of future performance. Go Markets Pty Ltd, ABN 85 081 864 039, AFSL 254963 is a CFD issuer, and trading carries significant risks and is not suitable for everyone. You do not own or have any interest in the rights to the underlying assets. You should consider the appropriateness by reviewing our TMD, FSG, PDS and other CFD legal documents to ensure you understand the risks before you invest in CFDs. These documents are available here.

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